Reports prepared 2000-2006

The OHHS has researched many aspects of Oatley History and published reports and collected material. These have been collected and made into  reports over 20 years. The list of subjects is shown on the file in the Oatley History Studies area. Each subject has a pdf file that contains the material. Please acknowledge the source and author if you use any material. The numbers are the year and month of presentation of the original report.

May 2000-The Jewfish Point Area

November 2000-The Changing Mode of Home Entertainment

February 2000-Heritage Homes in Oatley


August 2000-Public Utilities


February 2001-Changing Values Uses of Properties in Oatley

November 2001-Gungah Bay

August 2002-Sporting Personalities of Oatley

November 2002-Artists of Oatley

May 2002-Dairies of Oatley

February 2002-Reminiscing Oatley

November 2003-Oatley in the Depression Days

May 2003-Education in Oatley

August 2003-Poets of Oatley

February 2003-Ern Lawson

May 2004-Musicians of Oatley


November 2004-History of Oatley Como Bridge

August 2004-Dr. Peter Orlovich, Archivist Kogarah Council

November 2005-Oatley School of Arts

August 2005-Oatley People who stood for Parliament

May 2005-Kendall Family

February 2005-Oatley Churches revisited

February 2006 -Honour winners of Oatley

November 2006-The History of the Kogarah Municipal Band

August 2006-Butcher Bakers of Oatley

May 2006-The Oatley to Como, Walkway/Cycleway