John Coltman selections

John Coltman lived in Oatley in 1950s.

In his words “I have just become aware of your site. I was born at Brighton-le- sands in 1933 & my parents, Everet & Beatrice Coltman, moved into the new house they had built at 78 Letitia St; Oatley. I lived there until I moved to the Country to work in August 1957. My parents lived in the family home until they passed away in 1977″


His story.   John Coltman3

The photos below will be labelled soon with dates and names-

Oatley Bay from Rosa St. May 1956
Mum’s Sister, Lillian & her Husband Walter Grundy.

Mum, Beat Coltman, May 1956.

78 Letitia St, Oatley, May 1956, Mum @ window

Georges River from sandy Pt. Oatley May 1956

Como Bridge from Sandy Pt. Oatley,1956

Kangaroo Pt May 1956

78 Letitia St; Oatley, April 1999